Saturday, October 8, 2016

Thank You, Mr. Trump.

 I'm going to be honest. I don't identify with any party and, truth be told, I usually don't get into political discussions.

Brad (my late husband) didn't get into politics with people either, which I thought was interesting given the fact that he was ex-military and worked in the defense industry. And growing up I was taught that discussing politics or asking people who they were voting for was bad manners - how you voted should be private.

I still believe that.

But here's the thing. The world isn't like it was when I was growing up. I've watched what's going on with a mixture of disbelief, laughter, and fear. This last year has made me feel like we're all trapped in an never-ending episode of Scandal.

And that makes me sad.

No, Hillary isn't my favorite, but Trump is just...there are no words. But I do have to thank him for a few things.

1. Thank you for being such a bigot. I don't think that race relations have been discussed this much in my entire life. And while things have been volatile (and I'll agree that part isn't entirely your fault), you've made most of America fear that we're going backwards when it comes to civil rights. As a middle-aged white woman, I thought we'd come further than we have. I'm grateful that you've shown that I'm wrong. That just means that I have to help the change that should happen.

2. Thank you for being sexist. We all knew it, but you showed that "good old boys" are still out there. And I know you didn't mean to, but your idiocy has prompted many women to come forward with their own stories of abuse which should have happened long ago. You've united strong women because we know we can overcome men like you. We just needed you to force our hand.

3. Thank you for your nonsensical double-standard. Hang on. I need to outline this one.
  • For blaming Hillary for her husband's infidelities when you're a philanderer yourself. And when has a man EVER been blamed for his wife's indiscretions?  
  • For marrying an immigrant and then closing the doors.
  • For marrying a woman who posed provocatively throughout her modeling career. I'm not judging her. But you've, once again, proven what a racist nation we are. If Michelle Obama had had this kind of career, Barack wouldn't have been elected to town council, much less the highest office in the nation.
  • For commenting on the appearances of others, especially women. No one is perfect and if you think you are...well...I guess all I can say is I wish I had your mirror.
4. Thank you for testing my patience. I can turn you off. But I've had to listen to others who believe in you.

5. Thank you for testing my friendships. The last few months have been interesting. You see, I'll get together with my friends over a glass of wine and discuss kids and schools and what's going on in the community. Rarely do we get together and talk about how we feel about other races, abortion, abuse, and other issues that really define who we are. Since you've been on this path, I've learned more about my friends than I ever wanted to know...but really should have. Now I know who is willing to sweep sexual assault under the rug, who doesn't think immigrants have a place here, who thinks that any race is inferior, and who thinks that being a woman is a joke.

6. For helping me teach my kids valuable know like being a good person, helping others, that you should always watch what you say, and that you can be guilty by association (Billy Bush is learning that a little late in life). And that making fun of anyone doesn't make them just makes you look like an ass.

So, Mr. Trump, despite the fact that you', you've actually done some good. I think you've inspired a time of growing pains that will be painful, but in the end we'll be stronger for it. We've all known that our political system is flawed, but until you came along we didn't know how bad it was.


Now, go away.


  1. So well said. Thank you for making this public. I found it on Facebok and shared on my public FB newsfeed. It's already been shared from that post twice (one man, one woman).

    You have found the silver lining to the darkest cloud.

  2. Thank you for showing us that you believe all that is written or said by those that wish to maintain control. Thank you for showing us that you do not value truthfulness or character. Thank you for seeing race, gender, income etc in all you say instead of one. Thank you for giving me one less person to read. Thank you for not being the majority.

    1. Having read your interesting missive, I am not clear on what you imagine the majority is. Here is one thing you can count on, the majority is going to show up at the polls on November 8 and send this predatory misogynist back to his gilded tower. I'm not sure what he'll do with all the free time he'll have, perhaps he'll publish The Art of the Deal II to further regale the reader (maybe you) with more details of his conquests of married women and prurient world views; that ought to fill the void created by one less blog.

      Now I've got that annoying song stuck in my head....🎤 One less bell to answer, one less blog to reeeead....

      So many pearls, so many swines.....


    2. Surely you cannot be referring to Trump when you state "value truthfulness" or character. That's hilarious.

    3. The thing is, one Republican after the other is jumping ship to get away from this guy. So apparently, they must also believe "all that is written or said by those who wish to maintain control", too.

    4. And who do you think when our constitution is gone and our children all living under Shahara Law... when the United States of America as we know it is gone forever... and we are into one world government.. the plan all along... I wonder if that will offend you as much as mr. Trump ties to some homework and wake up you obviously shouldn't talk about politics if as you said you know nothing about what's going on in this world

    5. And who do you think when our constitution is gone and our children all living under Shahara Law... when the United States of America as we know it is gone forever... and we are into one world government.. the plan all along... I wonder if that will offend you as much as mr. Trump ties to some homework and wake up you obviously shouldn't talk about politics if as you said you know nothing about what's going on in this world

    6. Steve, Pull it together, its going to be all right the aliens are not coming for you. Though from your post I'm afraid you have already been picked up. Seems Karen Dillon was on the mothership too. Best of luck to the both of you.

    7. There is no such thing as Shahara.

      Islamic law is called "sharia."

      And there is a huge honking desert called "Sahara."

      Which it sounds like Steve and Karen have spent far too much time in, by the way, and regrettably got their brains baked by the sun.

    8. Another good thing he has done is unite Democrat and Republican (or a portion) parties. Many are working together now. So glad to see the bickering slow down.

    9. Karen - 1 word for you, dear. Grammar. Or maybe the word is Punctuation. You choose.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Steve and Karen - Actually, I think you are proving that you're willing to believe anything in the press. Can you please explain to me how you can call Hillary a worse liar but Trump literally denies something he said on camera or in a tweet or in a book or just a minute before? I mean, he's not even a good liar. I really am curious - can you please explain how he so blatantly lies over and over again and you still insist that he tells the truth? No liberal media can doctor that. Fact checking says time and time again that he lies the highest percentage and that is bipartisan fact checking. He literally says something on camera then later on camera denies saying that very thing. That's not biased. That's the truth. Please help me understand. I truly am perplexed.

    12. What a stunning dissertation which catalogs, to a letter, exactly how I feel! I have honestly been feeling like Dorothy the day she landed in Oz these days. There is such a contrast of realities taking place my head is spinning. You are right, we owe this man a debt of gratitude for showing us, in living color, what we don't want in our future leaders. I know we'll all be subject to commentary similar to what Steve and Karen shared with us, I'm kind of becoming accustomed to hyperbole and rhetoric. The other thing Mr. Trump did was to cause all of us to question everything. Though we may have to work through our differences in the coming months, I know Americans. We have an insatiable appetite towards resolution and moving forward. Those voices of which represent small-minded, non-inclusive dialogue will become quieter over time. As soon as they realize their dimly lit view of the world is no where near reality. Some may never realize it, as long as they quietly express their beliefs, I'm good with that :-)

    13. I must chastise you Deborah for using words of more than two syllables. The Trumpanzees won't be able to understand you

    14. Catherine, you are spot on. Thanks for putting all of our thoughts into the perfect blog! Karen and Steve thank you for being in the minority and giving me the best belly laugh of my day. And Anti, yes the mothership needs to come back and get them! Another thing I have wondered about is if Trump has any clue to what he is doing to his "brand", his name and his children? When this is all over, I think the Tower will be coming down. He will be a pariah, no one will want to be associated with him. Except for Steve, Karen and Putin.

    15. It is in fact Sharia Law. How in the double heck does a person go from supporting trump and stating that if we don't vote for him we are all going to be living under "Shahara" law. How? Why? What? I swear some of these people have been standing under and snorting too many airplane contrails. We are a democratic society, we have multiple people/positions that make up the government, we are not a predominantly Islamic nation so sharia law is pretty much out of the question. In spite of the stupid crap/lies that some people pull out of their tiny ill-mannered brains and spread all over the internet. One person in government in this country never has all of the power or the knowledge.

    16. Sahara law, is a law that forces you to carry water, so you won't die of thirst in the Sahara.

    17. Sahara law, is a law that forces you to carry water, so you won't die of thirst in the Sahara.

    18. My advice to Steve and Karen is to follow the wishes of Donald Trump and go vote on October 28th. Oh, and get as many friends as possible to do the same thing.

    19. Of course the funniest thing about all these people wetting their pants over the fear of America becoming part of the caliphate is that "sharia" law just means "law" law. That's the Arabic word for "law."

    20. I think Mr. Anderson makes your hypocrisy point for you. He asserts that he will stop reading you because you clearly don't value character and truthfulness. I won't even touch the character complaint, as I'll let Mr. Stern's radio show clips and his hot mics do do that for me. But according to a Politifact fact checking study showed that 78% of the assertions he has made on the stump are rated mostly false or worse! I have to wonder about people like you. Are you blind? Do you have a secret agenda? Do you have any integrity? Have you no decency? At long last....

    21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    22. I will get over this campaign long before I get over my disappointment in so many friends and the American people

    23. I will get over this campaign long before I get over my disappointment in so many friends and the American people

    24. I will get over this campaign long before I get over my disappointment in so many friends and the American people

    25. I am glad I was lead to read this and especially the comments because you all only ever discuss the same thing on all of these type of blogs with nothing about the horrendous crimes Hitlery has been proven to have committed, you see her literally getting away with murder and joke about someone being from a mothership or bad grammar! You cannot be people so I am going to assume the mothership must belong to you all! Just vote for Killery and let it burn, I guess. Bye.

    26. You have to live in a bubble to believe this right wing garbage that has gone on for much too long. On some level you must WANT to believe it and it does give you license to then embrace tRUMPS hatred and bigotry. With regard to the "Killery" comment, even the family of the gentleman in question say it is ridiculous and politically motivated, and FALSE.

    27. OMG, Trumpanzee!!! I love it.

    28. OMG, Trumpanzee!!! I love it.

    29. Steve, some have eyes, but don't see. Some have ears but don't hear. Some have a brain but don't know how to reason. Good luck, my man, for now you are lost. I hope someday you find your way. Don't believe everything you read and hear on the internet. People like Donald Trump come along from time to time. Joe McCarthy was hear in the early 50's and had his time, but in time, he was uncovered as the charlatan he was. Trumps day will come and it won't be too soon.

    30. Well, I see your a perfect democrat, the kind Hillary loves so thank you for that. But I noticed you didn't put anything about Hillary. All her beautiful things she has done. Like defending a 41 year old rapist of a 12 year old girl and laughing about it after he only gets about 2 months. Telling the 12 year old she was "fantasizing about having sex with older men". Oh I guess she was just doing her job, too bad it wasn't a child you knew, I think you would think differently. I also noticed you called him a philanderer? Because he had LOCKER talk about women who throw themselves at men who have money and prestige AFTER HE WAS ATTACKED he than pointed out Bill Clintons faults. Oh so bad, theres one thing different, BILL CLINTON was the PRESIDENT, not just a billionaire. Of course we know that there aren't women like that, that throw themselves at men just because they have money, right? Monica Lewinski? Remember her? I guess she was madly in love with him. ha ha. What about what Hillary did with Benghazi? Of course she wasn't even there when that happened right? Where was she when Christopher Stevens begged for more help and was refused?Lets not forget how she got up and said it was caused by a video, remember that? and what about her emails? Where she thought she was above the law and had her own email server? Where she got up before the American people and said there were NO CLASSIFIED emails. REMEMBER THAT? Remember when the FBI said she DID HAVE CLASSIFIED emails. Oh and I see where you brought up his IMMIGRANT wife, there is a difference between LEGAL AND ILLEGAL. Look it up, I guess your okay with Isis and whoever coming into the United States and bombing our people. Won't be so loving and kind if they kill one of yours will you. So this man makes you sick, really? Well now you know how we feel about your candidate. The media has done its job on you. As far as Trumps bigotry? Really? I think he has tolerated his opponents views very well, he knows she is going to be an extension of Obama and as far as his hatred? Wow he said he didn't want to say anything about Bill Clinton but guess what? Your party has to go back 15-30 years to get something on this guy. Wish it was that way for Hillary? Oh and you thanked him for teaching your children valuable lessons, I think Hillary falls into that classification, like DON'T LIE, DON'T THINK YOUR ABOVE THE LAW. My grand children when Bill Clinton was in office learned what a Bl-- job was, so I can thank the Clintons for that, oh and you say its NOT bill Clinton who is running for president,no, but he will be back in the white house to do what he did before. Hummmmmmmm. Mr. Trump is not a career politician, he's just a business man and he doesn't realize he is suppose to lie to the people who want him in office and then laugh about how stupid they are later but I am sure after he has been in there for a while he will learn the ropes then he will be JUST like your person. Won't that be wonderful.

  3. Soooo what do you have to say about Hillary?

    1. Hi Janie,

      As a parent, I consider the issues on BOTH sides a "teachable moment" (actually, it's a teachable moment for ALL of us). Honesty, integrity, kindness, and inclusiveness should be a given with our leaders...not something that we have to search so hard for.

      With both parties, we are certainly in a bind.

    2. a bind? i don't see it that way. i am honored, gratified, and thrilled to be able to vote for a qualified, passionate, ethical candidate who has already done a great job for this country and will continue to do so until she draws her last breath.

    3. Julia,

      How can you possibly refer to Hillary as "ethical"? How did she and Bill amass $250 million since he was President leaving office "broke". How about that Canadian uranium to Russia deal they arranged. All the ludicrous "speaking fees", averaging about $200,000 each little talk. Almost 22 million by Hillary alone since leaving office, and 17.9 million of that from groups that had lobbied Congress of the Federal government. There so much corruption you could write a book on it - oh, and people have! No, I don't much care for Trump either. Both of them lie, but almost all the FBI agents who investigated Hillary agree she should have been charged, convicted and be running her campaign from behind bars.

    4. Hillary is no saint, but after decades of investigations at a cost of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, no one has been able to pin anything on her. Donald, meanwhile, has been the subject of thousands of lawsuits, and that's probably part of why he won't release his tax returns. And he's going to court again next month for his (allegedly) fraudulent university. If you'd like to posit that they both belong behind bars, that would at least be consistent.

    5. Um, haven't you heard the phrase, "actions speak louder than words?"

      Pretty sure the definition of one's character is not at all defined on what they say---so you're wrong

      And I'm so tired of people blaming Trump for Hilary's mess she's in---she got herself into this mess, and it's a shame that people are focused on what comes out of their mouths!

      She is so well coached, we don't even ever hear HER WORDS! They are written by a staffer--

      You need a new argument, this one doesn't work at all ��

    6. Hillary is no saint, but after decades of investigations at a cost of tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, no one has been able to pin anything on her. Donald, meanwhile, has been the subject of thousands of lawsuits, and that's probably part of why he won't release his tax returns. And he's going to court again next month for his (allegedly) fraudulent university. If you'd like to posit that they both belong behind bars, that would at least be consistent.

    7. Thank you for asking, Janie.

      Thank you, Hillary Clinton for being so incredibly awesome. On behalf of every person who has had to deal with an abuser or bully, thank you for standing up to Donald Trump. Thank you for not backing down when he tries to shout over you or interrupt you or stare at you incredulously when you are talking or when he lies and then accuses you of lying when you contradict him. You have stood firm when he has tried to gaslight you and when he has blamed you for his own mistakes. (Seriously, does anyone believe, even for a second, that the whole birther movement was Hillary? What?) Thank you for staying composed through Trump's flailing and excuse making and blustering and threats. I have seen the Hillary for Prison signs and shirts and heard the threatening shouts at Trump rallies and the names people have called you. You have held your head up and refused to be intimidated. Thank you for your inspiring example.

      Thank you, Hillary Clinton for your thirty years of public service. You are one of the most qualified candidates that has ever run for President of the United States. If you become President, you will be one of only three presidents who has been both a senator and Secretary of State, and you will be the only one who has also been First Lady. In all three jobs, you have worked diligently and ably, and America is already greater because of you.

      Thank you, Hillary Clinton for your compassion, for your lifetime work for women, for children, for the 9/11 first responders, for health care, for justice for the people of Flint who would still be drinking lead tainted water if it weren't for you.

      Thank you, Hillary Clinton for the work of the Clinton Foundation to fight AIDS and poverty, to promote education and health initiatives, and to provide disaster relief worldwide. You have improved the lives of millions of people and given hope to those who needed it most.

      Thank you for being an uppity, bad-ass woman who dares to speak up and speak out, who, along with other women of your generation, helped to break down barriers for women in schools and in the work place and empower women like me and my daughters to do and achieve more than our mothers and grandmothers could ever dream of.

      But most of all, thank you for standing between us and Donald Trump. You alone are still standing after he picked off every Republican opponent one by one.

      Thank you, thank you, Hillary Clinton. Stand strong.

    8. Thank you for this great post. :)

    9. Katherine Daley, I could not have said it better. Thank you for telling it like it is with Hillary. She will be the first Woman President and will make America Stronger.

    10. I love it when I hear Republicans complaining that Hillary and Bill have made too much money! I thought that was what Republicans believed in. It is called the Free Market. You can actually look at their tax returns to see how they made it unlike with Don the Con. Speeches. Now I do think corporations are crazy to pay that kind of money for anyone to give a speech but that is the way the system works. For everyone. And by the way, the Clintons gave millions of their fees to charity as opposed to a certain person who has apparently given none for some 10 years.

    11. Katherine Daley: You expressed it wonderfully well. I'm amazed at how many Americans don't appreciate the many superb leadership qualities of Hillary Clinton. She was a smart, competent, & successful diplomat & ambassador on behalf of America. She knew how to put aside ego, establish rapport, & communicate in a diplomatic & non-adversarial manner as she did high-level negotiations with foreign leaders. (Who, by the way, respected & appreciated her.) I don't think she's perfect & I don't think she didn't make mistakes (she admits them) & I don't think she's easy to know. However, she possesses traits which qualify her to be a good president: she has shown she is intelligent, thoughtful, balanced, calm, focused, responsible, compassionate, & tough. She has withstood decades of slander directed against her, as individuals have projected their own miseries, fears, & maliciousness onto her, (I think mainly because she's a woman, & women are considered easy targets in our culture). I'm shocked by the venom some American citizens spew at her, what kind of people are they, they can disagree & even criticize, but why can they not show some sense of decency?! She's been working on their behalf for decades now. She's shown she is qualified to be president. The rest of the world can see it. But I guess "A prophet is without honor in [her] own country." I'm glad to see your expression of appreciation for this woman. I'm sure you've spoken for many others.

    12. Do your own homework, not what is learned by the media or google.
      The devil is in the 'details'

    13. When Ronald Reagan left office, he went to Japan and made a week's worth of speeches at $1 million per speech. That's in 1989 dollars.

      Bill and Hillary aren't worth anywhere near $250 million, although they're probably a lot closer than Trumpers is to $10 billion.

      They haven't been sued 3,500 times or declared bankruptcy six times either. Why? Because they're not Republicans.

    14. Thank you, Katherine Daly! I totally agree.

  4. Thank you, Catherine Tidd, for repeating ONCE AGAIN misperceptions and showing how little you understand. Being against ILLEGAL immigration is NOT being against immigration or closing the doors! Thank you for demonstrating ONCE AGAIN that you "hear" only what you want/expect to hear. If you really LISTENED, you might feel differently - about many things.

    1. Thank you. Totally agree. You can tell those who use regurgitated mainstream media talking points. Sad.

    2. Thank you. Totally agree. You can tell those who use regurgitated mainstream media talking points. Sad.

    3. @LIzz. ONCE AGAIN, someone has to be nasty and insulting when discussing issues. Your comment has merit, IF it had been less nasty.

    4. "Being against ILLEGAL immigration is NOT being against immigration or closing the doors!"

      But Banning all muslims most certainly is. Oh, and PS, Melania's immigration WAS illegal. And he's helped many people work here illegally. as long as they are 'hot'

    5. Do you know that President Reagan offered amnesty to illegal immigrants in 1986? What that meant was that people could apply for amnesty and take courses to become naturalized citizens. Three million people became legal citizens of the United States at that time. That is what Hillary Clinton proposes. Do you also know that ICE has been very active during the Obama administration? A girl who graduated with my daughter in high school spoke at graduation about how her father was deported five years ago. Another boy is living with his older brother and working two jobs while trying to finish high school because his parents were deported. He has never lived in Mexico and does not speak Spanish. Amnesty is the right thing to do.

    6. Lizz... and other Trump supporters.

      Please help me understand how you can see this man as your future president. We just don't get it up here in Canada

      He has stated publicly he wants all Muslims to be forced to leave the country. Even the Muslims who are BORN in the States.

      He is such a racist. That should be enough to make a multi cultural nation such as the US take pause.

      He is two faced. He wants all these immigration policies and sure - maybe reform is needed. But - only when its convenient right? Because apparently beautiful women are okay to illegally immigrant just like his current wife. What is she #3? #4? So.. Is she getting sent back to her home country too or is that rule only for people from Mexico and the Middle East?

      He is sexist. He sees women as objects to be dominated over. If you are an overweight woman he has no issue calling you Ms. Piggy or ugly hog.

      He wants to criminalize abortion and put women in jail for seeking medical help. Not the men that helped them get pregnant - just the women. That seems fair...

      He is homophobic. He is a cheater and womanizer.

      He hasn't only talked about building a wall between Mexico and the US, (which is insane, hello remember Berlin?) He has also talked about a wall between Canada and the US. Your biggest ally!!! But trust me - if he wins, we Canadians will build our own wall to protect ourselves from the world war he seems hell bent on starting.

      Oh and by the way.. he also solidly supports forcibly kissing women and grabbing them by the genitals. WTF? This is the man you want to throw your support behind?

      If he wins, your country will be humiliated on an international level over and over every time he makes an ignorant comment about women, gay people, immigrants, other peoples religions or wait, scratch that - any time he opens his mouth he embarrasses your country.

      Am I missing something? Is he the best you've got?

      And PS - I live in Canada. I don't care what party wins typically. Sounds like Hillary has made her share of mistakes along the way too. But why does everyone care what Bill Clinton did? HE'S NOT RUNNING. HE'S JUST HER HUSBAND. HIs affairs - not her fault. I admire her for staying and working it out actually.

    7. Actually, I don't know anyone who doesn't have some problems with illegal immigration. But this idea that the US is going to be overrun by terrorists if Hillery is elected is unbelievably ridiculous. I cannot imagine what this "extreme vetting" business is all about, since right now for refugees to get into the US is a process that lasts 18-24 months, with the most stringent rules and regulations of any country across the globe. And the FACT is, that of the 300,000 refugees allowed into the US since 9/11 not even ONE of them has carried out ANY terrorist attacks. This whole business is just a way to scare people and stir up hatred and racist feelings, which should not be tolerated. May I remind you what is written on the Statue of Liberty:
      "Give me your tired, your poor,
      Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
      The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
      Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
      I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Nothing on Hillary's racism and bigotry, double standards, pathological lying, repetitive crimes going back to the Nixon investigation and Whitewater fraud, You totally missed the point about Bill's sex crimes - Hillary actively worked to destroy the victim's lives and terrorize them, hiring thugs to threaten and stalk them, kill Kathleen Willy's cat, horrific things that no one who respects women and believes sexual assault victims should be believed would ever do. This was not a matter of saving her marriage, it was aiding and abetting a serial predator in order to advance his and her political ambitions. She sold this nation's security and sovereignty to the highest bidder to line her family's pockets and grew rich at the public trough. She is a Marxist and Alinskyite hell bent on turning the country's government into a solid socialist totalitarian government and destroy us. And you can only spout the Left's political propaganda points against Trump on the basis of garbage evidence? Pathetic. He was not my first, second, third or fourth choice for GOP candidate, but he is so far superior to HIllary Clinton in his love of country and realistic knowledge of the world and how it works that there is not comparison. He has a record of kindness and generosity throughout his life without turning those traits into photo ops for fame, fortune or political opportunity. He happens to be a fairly typical heterosexual male that shoots his mouth off with other guys - and I find it telling that the only specific story he recounted on that tape was one of failure in his attempt to seduce a married woman. A story of failure, not success. Hillary Clinton killed our Ambassador and three other good men in Benghazi because she is incompetent. She made a mess of Libya, Iraq and Syria. She enabled Iran, has actively encouraged the infiltration of our government by the Muslim Brotherhood,never once wrote and presented one single bill of legislation on any of her pet issues or any other issues while Senator, she has promised to continue spending the nation into ruin, to continue indiscriminately bringing our enemies into the nation to undermine our society, religious and cultural norms. You have to be insane or a moron to think even once about possibly voting for that vile woman. Who, by the way,, has also committed domestic violence crimes against her husband during the eight years they lived in the White House. Total trash, foul mind and actions, that is Hillary Clinton.

    1. I agree, DTE, the irony is as thick as day-old steel cut Irish oats cooked in cream. I have to admit to enjoying the occasional twaddle rant, however, rife with meme as source and and conspiracy theories - it tends to clear the palette of consistent consumption of cogent, intelligent essay binges and other cerebral endeavors.
      Who doesn't appreciate shadowy espionage and indignant pearl clutching?

    2. First, it is obvious to any intelligent female reading your rant you are a male troll for trump...
      I flipped through it as you are not worth the read...
      Sad specimen you are ...No takers here buddy....

    3. Clinton spent her life pretending to be a good person, that is what you do when you are in game. Trump has never had a reason to put on a front and yet you act like the dirt is shocking. What makes you so perfect, can you really say you have never done anything you regret? I am shocked that there has not been worse about Trump. He has not spent his life pretending he is perfect and covering up his mistakes like Hillary and Bill. That woman is as corrupt as they come and we don't even know everything she has covered up. I have seen video of Trump 25 years ago on TV talking about the corrupt political system and he never wanted to run but said that he will if things got worse. I am thankful that Trump is trying to help this country for his family and is standing up for all of us. We need change and Trump has made mistakes but he has alot at stake here just as we all do. He wants to leave this country better for his children and grand children just as we all do. Trump can be an ass but what man has not been guilty of that.Everyone has shortcoming if put under the microscope, unless you are a liar.

    4. Comments like these make me wish people still actually read long-form investigative news stories. They're still out there, though in fewer and fewer publications. So many of the attributions made are readily refutable by such stories, though. There are plenty of reasons for people to not support Hillary, either because they don't agree with her policies or through allegiance to conservative values. I will admit that my extensive reading has only turned me from a tepid to an enthusiastic Hillary supporter. But I'm a Democrat already, so inclined to support her no matter my enthusiasm level. I would encourage other tepid supporters to Google Jill Abrahamson's article in The Guardian for a start.

    5. Comments like these make me wish people still actually read long-form investigative news stories. They're still out there, though in fewer and fewer publications. So many of the attributions made are readily refutable by such stories, though. There are plenty of reasons for people to not support Hillary, either because they don't agree with her policies or through allegiance to conservative values. I will admit that my extensive reading has only turned me from a tepid to an enthusiastic Hillary supporter. But I'm a Democrat already, so inclined to support her no matter my enthusiasm level. I would encourage other tepid supporters to Google Jill Abrahamson's article in The Guardian for a start.

    6. "What makes you so perfect, can you really say you have never done anything you regret?"

      Your argument would carry a lot more merit if Trump actually regretted anything he's ever said. He 'regretted' talking about sexual assault, and then IMMEDIATELY walked it back and rationalized it as normal "locker room talk"

    7. Good point. If Hillary wasn't the most corrupt politician in history, we wouldn't have needed some billionaire to come along and literally spend his own money to try to stop her. The Clinton Foundation would have moved like a snake in secret and inriched these crooks without the public ever knowing.

    8. "we wouldn't have needed some billionaire to come along and literally spend his own money to try to stop her".

      IF this were true, which it's not. He self-funded through the primaries, but has been using campaign money since. He has even quadrupled the rent on the space the campaign has been using in Trump Tower because god forbid he shouldn't make a buck off his own campaign.

    9. "we wouldn't have needed some billionaire to come along and literally spend his own money to try to stop her".

      IF this were true, which it's not. He self-funded through the primaries, but has been using campaign money since. He has even quadrupled the rent on the space the campaign has been using in Trump Tower because god forbid he shouldn't make a buck off his own campaign.

    10. Weak men fear Strong Women. Trump and his male followers are weak, childish, scared men who are terrified of a strong woman showing them how the job should be done

    11. And Katyward who was incompetent when 13 embassy attacks occurred during the Bush administration and 60 people were killed---guess you are okay with that!and you are probably okay with Bush/Cheney deleting 22 million emails---and as for Trumps love of country---Trump loves himself...I don't think he even really wants to be president!!

    12. Observation: I'm sure most of us have noticed that his supporters are the ones who have no concept of sentence structure, or punctuation, and tend to write in caps a lot. They also believe the tabloids, do no research, and probably watch Fox news.

      Just an observation.

    13. i am nearly falling off my chair with laughter!! The woman grabbing, sexual predator who literally stalked HRC on the debate stage to show how rational and powerful he is - this is the person you reference?? i think we are up to around 10 women who have come forward now who have been accosted by this person. theres video of him ogling little girls and calling his own daughter a great piece of a$$. if that's love, count me out. this is the same genious who didn't know Russia had already invaded Ukraine. he's never laid out any of his policies beyond telling us it will all be "beautiful." he can't manage his own finances ethically or successfully, how in the world can he handle ours?? you must know the Bush administration deleted 22 MILLION emails, right? you must also know that multiple embassies call for support multiple times and that the nearest military base was 8 hours from Benghazi.assuming the forces were deployed immediately - which NEVER happens in the military, they wouldn't have made it to Benghazi in time. i cannot imagine the loss for the families of those 4 people killed but it hardly seems prudent to send in more troops for greater loss of life like Bush did in Iraq, causing a loss of tens of thousands for a -pardon the pun - trumped up reason that never existed. i'd like to suggest all of you trumpazees, as someone so eloquently called the idiots for trump movement, look at legitimate news reports and publications and stop channeling fox "news" and the national enquirer. a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    14. i am nearly falling off my chair with laughter!! The woman grabbing, sexual predator who literally stalked HRC on the debate stage to show how rational and powerful he is - this is the person you reference?? i think we are up to around 10 women who have come forward now who have been accosted by this person. theres video of him ogling little girls and calling his own daughter a great piece of a$$. if that's love, count me out. this is the same genious who didn't know Russia had already invaded Ukraine. he's never laid out any of his policies beyond telling us it will all be "beautiful." he can't manage his own finances ethically or successfully, how in the world can he handle ours?? you must know the Bush administration deleted 22 MILLION emails, right? you must also know that multiple embassies call for support multiple times and that the nearest military base was 8 hours from Benghazi.assuming the forces were deployed immediately - which NEVER happens in the military, they wouldn't have made it to Benghazi in time. i cannot imagine the loss for the families of those 4 people killed but it hardly seems prudent to send in more troops for greater loss of life like Bush did in Iraq, causing a loss of tens of thousands for a -pardon the pun - trumped up reason that never existed. i'd like to suggest all of you trumpazees, as someone so eloquently called the idiots for trump movement, look at legitimate news reports and publications and stop channeling fox "news" and the national enquirer. a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

  7. Thank you for putting into words my own thoughts. I try to stay removed from the political fray, I had to share this blog.
    I believe the only thing I will take from this election year and this particular race for president is the lessons, the MANY lessons we can teach our children from both candidates. As we try to explain how they can even be considered.

  8. Either way, BUT, SORRY HILLIARY is a LIAR, wouldn't stand up for the BENGAZI deal, American Soldiers died and didn't give a SQUAT, wants to take away our GUN RIGHTS, and lying about emails that she leaked confidential items (TRY) to blame it on others and then i know you'll say Trump doesn't have what it takes to run the country (NEITHER) did OBAMA, ran us almost to 20 trillion in DEBT and with that the case your grandchildren will be paying up to 50,000 per family member for the next ump-teen years. WE can't afford another 4 years of OBAMA (this) is what Hilliary would do. Now the Obama care is a joke (the people coming into the U.S) are getting the FREE HEALTHCARE at no cost to them and of course We THE TAX Payers are pay for this. The illegals are the ones getting all the FREE Health care. WAKE UP, for CRYING OUT LOUD.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Seriously. You are a textbook example for why we need to improve our education system

    3. Despite your apparent belief in fear mongering lies, illegals are not receiving benefits like free health care, food stamps, welfare, ect. Let me explain. I am a property manager for a site based Section 8 property. I work on a daily basis with Job and Family Services. While an illegal immigrant may live in my apartment, they cannot receive subsidy. That means the family only gets subsidy for those that are legal, and have to pay for the illegal. It is the same in getting food stamps, insurance, etc. An illegal immigrant can be in the household, but they cannot get assistance. You want to talk about Benghazi? Four people were killed. It was tragic. It was also a tragedy that could have been prevented if Congress had approved the request by the State Department for extra security. Congress deemed that the threat of violence was not credible and denied the funding. The Bush Administration deleted 22 million emails. During the Bush Administration, there were 13 attacks on our embassies and 60 people died. Where was your outrage then? No one investigated his State Department or his administration. Talk about being corrupt!

    4. Thank you! These people must live on another planet, deprived of oxygen. No thinking person could be so ignorant.

    5. It is truly horrific that so many people aren't educated well enough to understand how the world works. Obama ran up $20 trillion in debt? Bullsh*t. Half of it was run up by Ronny, Poppy & Junior, and Obama inherited a deficit of more than $1 trillion a year. He has reduced that amount every single year. People say Democrats tax and spend? Republicans borrow and loot.

    6. Wow! Lots of caps to get the point across. Another Trump supporter yelling at me. If you want me to vote for him, you need to calm down, be a rational human being and tell me what his policies are then I might consider him as a viable candidate. I even went to his campaign website to read about his health care policy and it was one sentence long. Sorry, I can't support a candidate that can't tell me specifics.

  9. Thank you for your wonderful words. It's too bad that some posters will not believe that Trump is guilty of anything while continuing to put all wrongdoing on Hilary. I guess they see through rose colored glasses and Trump could kill someone and they will still deny it. Keep writing and do not let the deniers stop you.

    1. If Trump killed someone please let me know about it. I am a female Trump supporter, but am now on the fence. I know Hillary is responsible for 4 deaths and suspected in the deaths of a few others who knew too much. Like you said, "A real life episode of Scandal." The fact that Trump is responsible for all of the racism in the United States is ludicrous. Yes, it is more in the news today. I believe it was in the news prior to the primaries. Do your research.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hillary is *not* "responsible for four deaths." I dearly, dearly wish people would listen to her testimony — there's nine full hours of it, after all — and read about what happened in Benghazi before eating up what they're fed by the GOP. It's so silly. The truth (and there's plenty of it) has been written down so many times that nobody should have to sit here, as I am, again, and suggest that others go and find it and read it.

      I'd also encourage you to read about the many similar-to-Benghazi incidents that happened under Bush's tenure (who was actually president of the United States) before jumping on the former secretary of state. You'll find that most progressive and liberal folk are not shouting "lock him up!" at George W. Bush, though we disagreed with much of what he did during his presidency. Why? Because whenever people are stationed isn hostile territory, they run the risk of being killed. I challenge you to find one — just *one* — administration under which absolutely nothing has gone wrong.

      Now, let's get real. Let's *not* vote for Trump, but instead for a woman whose many years of experience dealing with people and politicians both here and abroad make her an eminently qualified presidential candidate. Hillary Clinton will make a fine president, and we'll all be perfectly okay throughout.

    4. You are kidding yourself if you think we will be perfectly fine. Under Hillary. Corruption as usual. Using the IRS TO attack her enemies. Stealing furnishings from the white house, File Gate, Travel Gate,corrupt Clinton foundation, pay-to-play,Bengazi...just to name a few.

    5. You are kidding yourself if you think we will be perfectly fine. Under Hillary. Corruption as usual. Using the IRS TO attack her enemies. Stealing furnishings from the white house, File Gate, Travel Gate,corrupt Clinton foundation, pay-to-play,Bengazi...just to name a few.

    6. I wish people would just read the Republican reports from the investigations. Any of the 8, it doesn't matter. All of them say the same thing, a tragedy nothing more. It is just incredible to me that the resources are there not to be so damn ignorant, yet.....


    8. Benghazi - four people died. It was a tragedy and there were 8 Congressional investigations into it led by the Republicans. Nothing was found. It was a political hatchet job. While Bush was President there were over a dozen attacks on US Embassies or consulates and over 60 people died. But you don't remember that do you? Why? Because there was not a single investigation. Under Reagan over 300 Americans were killed in terrorist attacks in Lebanon. There was no investigation. Makes you sort of wonder doesn't it? The fact is that the world is a dangerous place and sometimes bad things happen that cannot be stopped. The people on the ground accept this as part of their job and they are brave Americans who should not be used as political props.

  10. For the record, BLM was formed in 2013. Trump announced is Candidacy is 2015.

  11. To add to your list: Thanks, Trump, for exposing the Republican Party for the malevolent cancer on the body politic that it is – and, hopefully, for destroying it so it can be rebuilt with some decency.

  12. News Flash:
    I'll tell you exactly what I believe is happening.
    Donald Trump now knows he will not win. So what are his options? His strategy? Why not Politically RAPE Hillary Clinton, the first woman nominee for President. The ultimate male nuclear option.
    If he can't have the Presidency, then he will savagely damage her so that she will FAIL before she ever gets to the Oval Office. She will be, in Rape Culture vernacular, "Damaged Goods".
    [I refer you to our current President's case as a point of comparison. Though what happened to him was a Lynching.]
    Like so many rape cases, Donald's fellow Republicans, both elected officials and fellow Americans, have been egging him on, more recently yelling "Lock Her Up". They can clearly see that this is SO vulgar and so wrong at every level of human decency, but it's happening to a woman (remember the last one was an Afro-American...), so let him have his way with her. Besides, she probably 'asked for it'...
    What we are seeing is the ultimate misogynistic scorched earth policy: If I can't have you, no one will. We all know the story...
    And we are witnessing history as one of the lowest-of-the-low is dragging down one of our most qualified and dedicated FEMALE public servants as a way of demeaning, belittling her character.
    For that, history will judge not only Donald Trump and his ilk. History will judge all those who sat on the side lines, saw the rape in progress, and did nothing to stop it or prevent it. Didn't even call 911 when they had a chance to stop it... You ALL know who you are. We ALL know who you are.
    I am not happy to come to these conclusions, but I rest my case.
    I won't be one of those folks who looked the other way. Call 911—as in I'll VOTE on Nov 8th!

    1. Wow, you nailed that point. I would only hope that the majority will open their eyes and Vote in Nov. Doing nothing is far worse than doing the wrong thing.

    2. That's it! That's what I've been reacting to and wanting to articulate. As a rape survivor with residual trauma disorder, I have been thrown into hell over this public violation. This truth needs to go mainstream!

    3. Brilliant, you nailed it. Its tragic this ill man still has a platform from which to spew his libelous hateful rhetoric. I only hope an investigative journalist will get to the truth about his cooperation w a foreign govt to hack a political opponent and it will be he who is jailed after hes provided his constitutional rights of presumption of innocence, due process and jury ( those rights he seems to be completely ignorant of when it comes to others)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Really well written, thanks, makes total sense.

  15. You sure no how to bring the haters out. I thought it was a good post, so true. A lot of people don't like the truth, hence all these negative post.

  16. Any way it goes with who wins, the other side will not support the new President, Hillary will have a scandal within the six months probably something that she has done two years ago. Trump will have about two years to prove he can fix this country and if he doesn't show some progress he will be a one term. Obama of course couldn't fix the economy and he had a total of eight years and gets a pass from his party and the press.

  17. Get use to these two words ... PRESIDENT TRUMP. Now, you go away!

    1. Get back to us after you vote on November 28th....

  18. Character is best judged by what comes out of a persons own mouth and the actions they take themselves, not what they're accused of saying or doing by others. "I'm going to close the borders to Muslims," is not an accusation by others. "She doesn't have the stamina to be President," is. Don't be a sheep and don't drink the cool aid.

  19. Well written, but as you can see by the comments. People are so blinded by hate, they can not see any side but their own. AWe are a polarized nation. The amount of lies and hate coming out of the campaign is baffling. nd, the amount of the truth of who are friends and acquaintances are is overwhelming and sad. I saw this coming, but all I seem to be able to do is watch and reflect.

  20. This middle-aged white woman agrees with you 100%!! Thank you for so eloquently putting into words what I am thinking and feeling! Off to share! Sadly so many people are not going to read this message or others like it, but we need to reach as many people as we can! <3

  21. I am neither Democrat nor Republican and I have voted for candidates from both parties - as well as independent candidates. In this election I will vote for Hillary. Because I was in NY in the 60s when Trump avoided the draft because his heel hurt. At the same time, Hillary was organizing a college sit in to advocate for black students' rights in the aftermath of the MLK assassination. Because I was in NY in the 70s when the Trump family business marked "C" on African American applications for apartments. At the same time, Hillary was an active and influential advocate for children's rights. Because I was in NY in the 80s when Trump advocated for the death penalty for 5 teens accused for a rape they did not commit. At the same time, Hillary moved forward education reform and women's rights. Because I was in NY in the 90s when Trump went bankrupt on numerous occasions because of poor business acumen. At the same time, Hillary was a driver of the new children's health insurance law. Because I was in NY in the 2000s when, "self-made" due to a 250 million inheritance, Trump built golf courses and golden hotels, opened a scam university, sued a lot of people, and falsely claimed thousands of NY Muslims danced on the rooftops during 9/11. At the same time, Hillary was a hard working senator who helped rebuild NYC after 9/11. Because Trump's "great" contributions to political discourse in recent years include the birther movement, "knowing" more about ISIS than generals, not knowing what the nuclear triad is, building a wall. At the same time, Hillary was serving as Secretary of State and contributing funds to early childhood development efforts across the world. Because he has no answers - and doesn't even understand the problems due to his pride in being uninformed. She ain't perfect, of course. They are both disliked by many. But he is con man. Ask a New Yorker.

    1. This is great. You should post it on your own blog and get it out there.

    2. Wow...can I share this? I agree with Katherine Daley, your words need to get out there. So very well said!

  22. Bravo,you are an exceptional woman for voicing your opinion and going against the grain. It is agreed that neither of these candidates of of the quality of a Kennedy or Reagan (I would add the name of the current POTUS but that would open another can of worms)so we are left to decide who would put the nation first before their own best interest.....Someone is going to win and someone is going to lose. Yes, our political system is flawed yet it makes us distinct from other nations. We are a diverse nation with the oldest form of government in the world (that being a democracy going back to ancient Greece). We shouldn't be divided by political ideologies but United as Americans.

  23. Please look up what the war in Iraq cost us. Please look up who started it. Please look up who lied about the "reason" to start it. Please look up who negotiated the departure of US forces. Please look up how many US forces were killed, and while you're at it, the number of Iraqi civilians. Oh, and while you're at it, the number of US embassy petsonel killed under GW Bush' presidency. Please look up: the unemployment rate at the end of the Republican president, the stock market, ... you name it. Every economic indicator had improved dramatically under President Obama, notwithstanding the Republican congress. The same holds for most Presidents: the economy does much better under Democratic presidents and accumulates less debt than under Republican ones. I know, it's contrary to to common belief, but it is the case nevertheless. Easily verified. Now Trump is proposing even more of the trickle up policies that are responsible for 30 years of wage stagnation. And how us this going to work? Yes, it is trickle up policies and it off control greed from the rich (who can easily buy political influence) that are responsible for wage stagnation and lack of opportunity: not immigrants, not lesbians, not unions, not Muslims, not ISIS, not people with disabilities, not women, not even liberals. Wealth and influence naturally trickle UP in a society that rewards unfettered greed. Unfettered greed needs a counter weight, otherwise we'll all end up as worker bees. anybody wants to volunteer suggestions for things that helped reign in the Robber barons of the 19th century? Well, it wasn't letting taxation on the whealty, I can tell you that. Again, look it up. Read on economic history of the 19th century. The prallels are informative.

    1. could not have said it so well myself, thank you for expressing what people who have sense think. !!!!!

    2. could not have said it so well myself, thank you for expressing what people who have sense think. !!!!!

  24. You my dear are about to go viral. Thank you!

  25. And a big thanks to you and everyone else that sits on their hands and eschews political engagement. If all you can do is pontificate on the Presidential election every four years, then you are part of the problem in failing to make our republic representative and accountable. I've heard your complaints, now go away. Or, pull up your socks and engage on a regular basis. Stop throwing grenades from the outside and get involved. You allow others to make your decisions and expect others to do the heavy lifting and complain when it seems distasteful to your delicate sensibilities. Democracy is not a process for the emotionally squeamish.

    1. So please tell us what you have done that separates you from the rest of us.....just asking

  26. Huge round of applause from me! Well written - well said - well done!!

  27. Well said! Thank you for saying what many of us think, but could not articulate for one reason or another.

  28. LOVE -- thank you for the great post.

  29. I preface my comments by saying that I'm a mixed-race man (according to Rodney Harrison I'm not really Black), a former Marine with combat experience and a STAUNCH unaffiliated independent. I have views that can be considered liberal and views that can be considered conservative. The bottom line though is that I detest both liberals and conservatives because they tend to care not about what is best for the country but what is best for proving that they are right and the other guys are wrong. My 12 year old behaves in a more adult fashion. With that out of the way, here's the thing about Trump:

    1) People can spew their blind support of Trump and their blind hatred of the man all they want but for me this is simple. Some of his most ardent supporters are Neo-Nazis, Klan members and other unapologetic racists. Confederate flags are regularly seen at his events, at least in NC where I live. This cannot be disputed. So, even if I agreed 100% with his stated positions, there is no way I could put myself in league with people that think my marriage should be illegal, that I am less human than they are and would gladly hang me from a tree if they could get away with it. Nor can I associate myself with people who claim not to be racists (and they may well not be) when they will so freely associate themselves with people that threaten my very existence. I have no choice but to view you all as my enemy.

    Secondly, despite his rhetoric about law and order, Trump shows no regard for the rule of law,no real understanding of checks and balances, the Constitution or how our government works. He has threatened to put his political opponent in jail, has made veiled threats of violence against his political opponent and has advocated violence against those that disagree with him. This is behavior I would expect from a third world dictator or say, Mussolini to be more accurate.

    Finally, about all of the nonsense I have seen above about Benghazi: Believe me when I say that it's awful that those people died. But it's funny how you can be so outraged about the unfortunate deaths of 4 people but silent about the war crimes committed by starting a war on false pretenses that led to the deaths of thousands of my fellow Marines, other service members and untold numbers of civilians. Where were the calls for the heads of the Bush administration officials that made that shit sandwich that so many veterans are still taking a bite of? Could it be because it's not politically expedient for your "cause".

    I'm going to be a lot nastier than the author of this piece. Trump supporters are indeed deplorable....not just half of you but all of you. Maybe only half of you are bigots, misogynists, homophobes, xenophobes and people that would burn a cross on my lawn but the rest of you, as good as you may be or consider yourself, are accomplices. That makes every single one of you dangerous and you should have no place in our society.

    1. BRAVO! And thank you for your service to our fine country.

    2. I don't take issue with much of your post, but Rodney Harrison's comment about Colin Kaepernick pertained to Kaepernick being given up for adoption by his white mother, and then being raised in a middle class lifestyle, by white adoptive parents in suburban settings. Kaepernick's upbringing was one of privilege and that is why Rodney called him out for the hypocracy of the blm protests. had nothing to do with race or skin color.

    3. Wow. Very well written. Thank you!

    4. TB. First of all thank you for your service. I can understand why given your circumstances and observations of Trump supporters as being your enemy why you would be anti-Trump. Believe me when I say I wish the Republican Party would have provided a better candidate. More than that however I wish the Democratic Party would have. I even contribute to Bernie Sanders campaign. That said Hillary and Trump are our viable choices for President. While Trump is Certainly crude in many respects, Hillary is corrupt. I can forgive crude, but must stand against corruption. As former military I suspect you feel the same way. So do your homework on "crooked Hillary & Bill". Just follow the money. How (and from where) they amassed the money in their so called charity and how little of it actually goes to charity.

    5. TB. First of all thank you for your service. I can understand why given your circumstances and observations of Trump supporters as being your enemy why you would be anti-Trump. Believe me when I say I wish the Republican Party would have provided a better candidate. More than that however I wish the Democratic Party would have. I even contribute to Bernie Sanders campaign. That said Hillary and Trump are our viable choices for President. While Trump is Certainly crude in many respects, Hillary is corrupt. I can forgive crude, but must stand against corruption. As former military I suspect you feel the same way. So do your homework on "crooked Hillary & Bill". Just follow the money. How (and from where) they amassed the money in their so called charity and how little of it actually goes to charity.

    6. I think many people don't understand how different foundations operate. Some foundations gather funds (or have them already) and then redistribute the funds via grants to nonprofits that do charitable programmatic work. Other foundations do programmatic work themselves. The Clinton Foundation primarily does programmatic work (addressing climate issues, children's health, other initiatives) and also gives a small percent of its money to other third parties doing charitable work. This has been misunderstood by many since they think the small percent is the amount of "charity". Other types of foundations, such as Trump's, gather funds then give it to nonprofits who do the actual work. The Trump Foundation's track record is fairly sketchy in this aspect since much of the "charitable" giving has been related to his business dealings and could be construed as "self-dealing" which is not allowed. He also failed to register his Foundation in NY which is a failure of Charity 101 rules since he should not be soliciting gifts. His lack of attention to detail and his use of so-called charity to promote himself are fairly consistent with his MO. I think both Foundations are used to promote the "brand" whether it be Clinton or Trump.

    7. THANK YOU for your comment. Well written and accurate to those who prefer rational thinking and facts!

    8. Bravo. And as the mom of a Marine combat vet, *thank* you for your service, and for being part of the Marine Corps family that helps my son.

    9. Sometimes you read something that just resonates in you.You,Sir, should be heard in every form of media. Kevin Ruddy, I don't believe he needs to research anything. He was quite poignant in laying out his thoughts based on his own life experiences.

    10. Sometimes you read something that just resonates in you.You,Sir, should be heard in every form of media. Kevin Ruddy, I don't believe he needs to research anything. He was quite poignant in laying out his thoughts based on his own life experiences.

    11. Kevin Ruddy, how do you know Trump is not corrupt?

  30. Trump is awful. So is Hillary. Watching them go at each other is like being in the middle of a horrible divorce when people fight over the cat or a vase. WTF? There is a choice and I seriously hope people get over themselves and the fear that the 2 big parties have instilled in us. Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. We get nowhere with our duopoly. We vote for the lesser of 2 evils... but that's still evil! This year, with 2 of the most UNPOPULAR and polarizing candidates we could find, we have a chance to change all of that. We have a chance to vote FOR someone instead of "against the other guy".

    Gary Johnson is honest, has integrity, is experienced (2 terms as NM governor) but not an establishment insider, started and grew a business into a successful enterprise, knows how to balance budgets, veto stupid crap, provide tax cuts but also new infrastructure, has a sound foreign policy, wants to defend our constitutional rights instead of shredding them even more, and doesn't want to continue to spend ourselves into oblivion... and follow the economic collapse that history PROVES will come out of that kind of policy. Is he perfect? No... he's human. But given our alternatives, I'll take an imperfect, honest human over the 2 corrupt, lying snakes we're being asked... no, TOLD... to choose between.


    1. Gary Johnson is ignorant of world affairs. He has no political credibility whatsoever. I am being kind here.

  31. Internet trolls are 2 a penny today.

  32. 1. "Bigot - One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ." Would anyone like to argue that Hillary "Deplorable" Clinton is not a bigot?
    2. Sexist - Here's the point: If Trump is a Sexist, Hillary is married to one. What does that say about her and her feminist supporters?
    3. Hillary has a double standard, too, one for the rich and powerful and one for the unredeemables.
    4. Most of us don't believe in Trump we just know he's better than the alternative. (See below.)
    5. Believing in the sovereignty of a nation, the protection of its boarders and the rule of law doesn't make you a racist, a bigot or anti-immigrant. You would have to be a Kool-Aid drinking simpleton to think so.
    6. How far under a rock would you have to be to believe that Hillary is a “good person” or to believe that she is “interested in helping” anyone but herself? (If you do, Google "WikiLeaks".) Guilty by association? Do you mean like being married to Bill?
    While we are here, I love the way the left now keeps repeating that Trump is guilty of sexual assault. Pray tell, against who? This is a classic leftist tactic. Whatever flaws you have you accuse your opponent of having them first (or last if you can't beat them to the punch) making it harder for them to use that criticism on you. We know that Bill Clinton is at least as guilty as Bill Cosby and, as we have just learn, Hillary is guilty by association. Leftist tactic number two: keep repeating the lie until the Kool-Aid drinking simpletons accept it as fact.
    So, Hillary is at least as bad as Trump and Trump hasn't used political office for financial gain, been under investigation by the FBI or sold weapons to rebels in the Middle East and involved the US in more wars than we've been in since the Bush Administration.
    But I understand, you don't "like" Trump. Use your head. You're not dating him. You don't have to "like" him and you don’t have to vote for an unindicted felon.

    1. Re: bigotry. Clinton's remarks focused specifically on racism, sexism, homophobism, xenophobism, islamophobism. Last I heard, American law protects all of us against discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religious freedom. I suppose you can make the case that not everyone needs to love "foreigners" although since we are a mainly a nation of immigrants, it would seem fairly myopic or amnesiac. Are you looking to change our value system to find these to be "positive" qualities rather than deplorable?

    2. No, thank God, I'm NOT dating Trump. Just the thought makes my skin crawl. Quit touting Bill Clinton to me. I'm not voting for him; I am, however, voting for Hillary Clinton. I did vote for Bill, both times. Aside from the Lewinsky debacle, this country enjoyed a very prosperous 8 years during his presidency. The other women who accused him of sexually attacking them have never produced one iota of proof. Trumpites are ferocious in defending Trump from the accusations being hurled at him from several women by averring that there is no proof. Sauce for the goose... And Trump IS running for president. How anyone can deny that this man is misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, islamophobic, and homophobic, that he is clueless when it comes to foreign policy, that, despite his self-professed status as a billionaire, he really knows nothing about finance and the economy, and stick their heads in the sand and vote for this man is beyond me.

    3. No, thank God, I'm NOT dating Trump. Just the thought makes my skin crawl. Quit touting Bill Clinton to me. I'm not voting for him; I am, however, voting for Hillary Clinton. I did vote for Bill, both times. Aside from the Lewinsky debacle, this country enjoyed a very prosperous 8 years during his presidency. The other women who accused him of sexually attacking them have never produced one iota of proof. Trumpites are ferocious in defending Trump from the accusations being hurled at him from several women by averring that there is no proof. Sauce for the goose... And Trump IS running for president. How anyone can deny that this man is misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, islamophobic, and homophobic, that he is clueless when it comes to foreign policy, that, despite his self-professed status as a billionaire, he really knows nothing about finance and the economy, and stick their heads in the sand and vote for this man is beyond me.

    4. How can you be confused about that.... you did it when you voted TWICE for Bill...

  33. Consider reading up on Gary Johnson. He is fiscally conservative, socially moderate, believes the government should stay out of our lives as much as possible, and supports a foreign policy that supports our interests rather than forcing our way of life upon other countries.

    I've found him to be that diamond of common sense and hope that is missing in this garbage heap of political mud-slinging. All he needs is enough people to be brave enough to take a stand and demand to take back our country.

    1. Thank you! Johnson and Weld are a TEAM in the truest sense. Their skills complement each other. Many people are economically conservative and socially liberal, but don't realize that is the foundation of the Libertarian Party. Either Trump or Clinton as POTUS leaves the USA so screwed for many years to come.

    2. A carrot has more character and intelligence than Gary Johnson.

  34. "I'm going to be honest. I don't identify with any party and, truth be told, I usually don't get into political discussions."

    The first sentence is an admission that honesty is not your default setting. Not good.
    You then admit ignorance of a topic you are about to write on. Your lack of political discussions show you have never heard a counter argument.
    Your prejudice and bigotry are on full display, You, Mrs. Tiddy, you are perfect examply of why the 19th amendment needs to be repealed. Thank you Mrs. Tiddy for giving further evidence for that cause.


    Now, go away.

    1. Seriously??? How does your computer work under a rock?

    2. The 19th Amendment is here to stay, and apparently so is the ignorance manifested in the comment above.

  35. This is the most brilliant post I have read on this topic since this whole mess began. I'm seriously perplexed by some of these comments. Why does knowing Trump is a horrid, narcissistic, juvenile asshat automatically make you a supporter of Hillary? I know I'm not. What I feel is that I've been left with no options and no one who can adequately debate Hillary on the obvious problems with some of her policies. I don't want to vote for her, but choosing Trump is NOT an option. I just feel sad we can't start over fresh with two different candidates who could have REAL debates over the problems that plague our country. As it stands, Hillary just gets to sit back and watch the sideshow freak dominate the news while never having to address any of her own shortcomings.

  36. What a wonderfully written post. Thank you! I'm registered as an independent because I refuse to be branded by a party - I'm a person, an American, a woman, a mother, a wife, a worker, a student, a neighbor, and a friend. I've watched as many of my friends who are die hard republicans stand by their party even though they don't really care for the candidate primarily because they're anti-abortion. This election has shown me how being anti-killing is not the same as being pro-life. It's given me a bigger picture perspective on the topic.

    It's also shown me how to like and love people who I disagree with politically. I'm so glad that your article touched on so many of the thoughts and feelings I've had on a multitude of aspects of our society. I feel like Americans have chosen to grow up and show their maturity or have a temper tantrum. Thank you for letting me know that I'm not alone.

  37. It sounds like you are believing the lies from the main stream media. Sorry to hear about that. Mr. Trump is the only one that can save this country. Today's America is not the one I grew up with. Hillary and the left are trying to fundamentally change our nation and our values. I could go on, but I'll stop here. Found your blog on Facebook, by the way.

    1. So sad that so many people have fallen for the "you can't trust anyone but us" propaganda engine that is Fox and its spin-off wannabes. Any person or group who says only they can fix it or tell it like it is should be immediately suspect. The only way to know what's really going on in this world is to read widely and deeply and think for yourself.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. You think Trump is bad? You really should look harder at Hillary. She is way worse. Look behind the lies.

  40. Thank you for so succinctly describing the ONLY actual contributions that Trump has made.

    I spent the better part of my adult life quietly participating in politics through the voting process. This election has caused me to wake up and roar. There is no place in our society for a president who is as rude, bigoted, and undesirable as Trump.

    Almost all the bad press that Hillary has received over the years can be easily debunked by actual research. Unfortunately, the brainwashed masses do not seem to take the time to chase the real facts but simply believe conspiracy sites, even when those who originally perpetrated the lies have, in fact, recanted.

    Trumps true nature is reflected in not only the divisive statements he has made during his campaign about immigrants, but also in the out and out lies about the current state of our economy. He has encouraged violence at his rallies against minorities, and has had no compunction against blaming anyone other than his own remarks for any and all bad press that he has received.

    Not only does he have a history of cheating his own contractors, he simply has managed to never pay taxes...on billions of dollars. This act alone cheats low income families out of much needed benefits. And no, Hillary did not do this.

    He has a history of unwanted and unsolicited sexual advances against women...and makes no apologies. For those who think this is okay, ask yourselves whether or not you would like to be groped by a man that you were not at all interested in.

    Other than to hold him out as an example of someone to not grow into, there are no redeeming qualities about him.

    He is no more that a very wealthy con artist who has fooled those with no sense of discernment...JUST LIKE HITLER..!

  41. Amen and hallelujah! I agree with everything you've said here. I feel sorry for his followers who actually believe that anything he says could be called the truth. Shame on him for lying to feed his own overinflated and narcissistic ego. God Bless the USA!

  42. There are other options!!!
    All you need to do is look for people outside of who the media is broadcasting.
    If you want to know who I am voting for ask, it's not either of the leaders.
    I will no longer be a victim of the mentality that my vote doesn't count if my candidate isn't one of the top two.
    That is how the media and the R&D parties have controlled us for to long.

    1. Oh, your vote will count, all right. Just like votes for Ralph Nader counted. Just like votes not cast at all count. You're right that politics is not checkers; there are many moving parts that have to be taken into consideration. This is why I am voting for Hillary Clinton. The world would be a very different place now if Al Gore had been president instead of George W. Bush. Every vote will determine our future.

  43. Catherine,
    THANK YOU for writing and publishing this, even as you knew that you would open yourself to a stream of critical and abusive responses. I share your feelings, that this campaign, indeed the past 8 years, has brought racism and sexism to the surface and that we cannot pretend that we live in a post-discriminatory culture. You are a brave and thoughtful woman. I am glad for your children that they have you. I stand with you.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. WOW! I should have stuck to my normal and refrained from reading the comments. Many of you are writing with your veins popping out the sides of your neck. At the end of the day the only real opinion that matters is the one that will be cast at the polls in November. "Politics & Religion" - two subjects I refuse to discuss.

  46. Great article! I have the exact same sentiments. I could also add a 'thank you' to Trump for turning on the light in the cellar and allowing us to identify the vermin. Until his rhetoric, the bigotry, misogyny, phobias (too many to list) and hatred were closeted. I thank Donald Trump for shining that light and allowing us to identify the haters amongst us.
    Not all Trump supporters are 'deplorable', some are just so blinded by their indoctrinated hatred of Hillary that they think Trump is the answer. I feel sad for them. I just pray they (nor we) never suffer the consequences of their actions.

  47. Thank you for an excellent article. You have stated many important points about this election. We will have a huge amount of clean up after Nov 8. A corner stone of our democracy is the acceptance of the winner of our elections and a smooth transition. Al Gore graciously conceded to George Bush so that our country could continue to function and not be mired down for years. We also need to figure out how to educate those in our society who no longer believe in science and respected news sources. I think the Republicans are starting to see the fruit of their labors these last 8 years.

    1. You could actually read what Erika said. Words do have meaning.

  48. Thank you for writing this. I didn't think race was so divided as it is. I mean I knew there were problems but this has further exacerbated things. He woke up people who were waiting for a candidate of his ilk to come along. He has stirred up more descent in this divided country than since before my parents were born. He is passing his sexist ideologies on to his sons and the thought of being attacked by someone is now a growing concern. He has brought the fear out in survivors of sexual assault, rape and incest. He has brought the memories back of flashbacks and night terrors. The thought of someone speaking of a sexual assault as he would a sporting event is unacceptable. He scares me in that the only person he is thinking of is himself. When he wasn't making crazy claims of punishing protesters and speaking of women in derogatory ways he was doing other things. Things that if it were anyone else running for office, he would have been taken out of the race long ago. I am most upset at the "good Christians" who seem to think it is perfectly ok to endorse the antithesis of Christian values. I am disturbed by this and find it embarrassing as both a Christian and as an American. As Erika Keller stated, there is a huge amount of clean up to be done following the elections. Even now, I am concerned by the poll watchers. Trump has implied so many things. I look at the Republican Party and I am amazed that they are in shock. Now their little puppet is out of control. What to do? What to do? Had Trump been anything like Bush Jr., we wouldn't be talking about these things now. Had he been a puppet, it would have been fine. But looking at Trump and his ownership of a few now bankrupt casinos, I have to wonder what he would do for America. I am convinced he would do nothing because that is how he operates. Shoddy work doesn't get paid for but feel free to come back and work here again. A man like this is not only dangerous, he is the worst possible choice for this country. If he can talk about robbing a people of their civil liberty (Freedom of Religion) by requiring extreme vetting of Muslims and a return to torture. We are in serious trouble.

  49. The way I see it, which of the lesser evils to choose?

    Sad when you don't like either party.

    For whomever is elected, America is in a downward spiral.

    God help this nation!

  50. I was starting to wonder if people were just blind, don't care, afraid to vote for someone else or what? I can't believe that people buy his line of crap. If he wins America will not be great, it would be horrible. Just because he has money and can get around tax laws, people think he will be good for us. HA, He is a cartoon character in a suit. Thank You for sharing. I'm an independent and I don't talk much about politics either. I would not vote for him if he was our last or only choice.

  51. Catherine, Your bias opinion does not deserve much of a response. I would like to say "Stop wasting your time and Our Patience with your posts."
    We The People are bright enough to see the truth and the criminal actions of a person who has to deal with many legal problems. Hillary is acceptably fit to represent Americans. Ever....!

  52. Hey u guys,
    Trump or Clinton's supporters. I'm not an american citizen and so will not be voting for any of the candidates this elections. However, I must tell u one thing; I think the american government is blind and is not doing enough to stop Islam from taking over ur streets and neighborhoods. Pay attention to the number of Mosques and women wearing their modest Chijab around u. I've been warned! It is going to hit u in the face while u guys are busy bad mouthing each other for supporting this or that candidate or party. Open ur eyes people, Islam is coming to get u, and I'm the last one who wants to see anything bad happening to a country I love.
    Your friend...

  53. Thank you Catherine. Please publish your letter to Hillary for those who don't read through all the comments. It is wonderful!

  54. These are the things I wish for Donald Trump: I wish your Mommy taught you basic manners and how to act in public. I wish your Mommy taught you how to finish a complete thought and answer basic questions. I wish your Mommy taught you to study for your tests (ie. debates) I wish your Mommy taught you not to change your mind every 30 seconds, say what you mean and mean what you say. Every day I hear DT say something I can bet my life that by the next day he will tell the American public he didn't say what he actually said. We do have ears Donald. We all heard what you really did say. I wish your Mommy taught you when to shut your mouth so your foot would stop getting stuck there. I wish you had had more brains than a pea. If you factor in all these things, obviously Donnie Darko is not Presidential material. His business brand is shot. More of his poorly run businesses will file bankruptcy. The only thing he has going for him at this point is his unrealistic hope of winning the POTUS position because it's all he will have and he knows it. Donnie Darko is the biggest laughing stock of the entire world............except for Russia. I can picture it now..........Donnie Darko with puppet strings and a statue of Putin in Time Square.

  55. Good statement. But if I could posit one small remonstrance: Yes, occasionally, a husband does get blamed for his wife's "indiscretions".

  56. Get off your high horse. Hillary doesn't give a shit about any you. She panders, puts on a good public face. Educate yourselves.Instead of getting distracted regarding what politically incorrect thing Trump said today. For the record I believe Trump is a despicable human being.But this is the election where we must pick the lesser of two evils .Read up on those emails from wiki leaks. Watch what Obama had to say about Hilldogg back in 2008. Look up Health Security Act she couldn't get traction with her own fellow democrats back in 1993. Go read see what Colin Powell thinks of Hillary. It strange for some reason many of Hillary past adversarys mysteriously go missing, die, or end up in a freak accident. One was found just floating down the river. That's probably just a coincidence though. Where did those weapons go she used to the Lybian rebels after they over threw Gadaffi? Look into those Clinton Foundation scandals. Here's an assignment without bashing another candidate come up with one reason why Hillary deserves to be in the White House. Because she's ethical? Is she trustworthy? Make sure you have facts to back up that position.

    1. I do not trust much of what is now coming from WikiLeaks and certainly not any of the "scandal" and conspiracy-theory sites. Best-case scenario: WikiLeaks has been compromised, as they've just reported today: "Julian Assange's internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party. We have activated the appropriate contingency plans." Worst case: Assange has a vested interest in helping Vladimir Putin destabilize and weaken our country, a Putin tactic that has been extensively reported on in credible journalistic sources both in the U.S. and abroad.

  57. These are the things I wish for Donald Trump: I wish your Mommy taught you basic manners and how to act in public. I wish your Mommy taught you how to finish a complete thought and answer basic questions. I wish your Mommy taught you to study for your tests (ie. debates) I wish your Mommy taught you not to change your mind every 30 seconds, say what you mean and mean what you say. Every day I hear DT say something I can bet my life that by the next day he will tell the American public he didn't say what he actually said. We do have ears Donald. We all heard what you really did say. I wish your Mommy taught you when to shut your mouth so your foot would stop getting stuck there. I wish you had had more brains than a pea. If you factor in all these things, obviously Donnie Darko is not Presidential material. His business brand is shot. More of his poorly run businesses will file bankruptcy. The only thing he has going for him at this point is his unrealistic hope of winning the POTUS position because it's all he will have and he knows it. Donnie Darko is the biggest laughing stock of the entire world............except for Russia. I can picture it now..........Donnie Darko with puppet strings and a statue of Putin in Time Square.

  58. So I will respond to this point by point, in the order she has posted hers:

    Scandal? You are seriously going to try to say that Trump and not the Clinton's 35 years of scandal after scandal make you feel like it's watching the show??? She was fired from the Watergate investigation for ethics and violations of House rules (and the Constitution). Whitewatergate, TravelGate, Investmentgate, Benghazi lies and coverup, EmailGate, National Securitygate, just hitting the highlights.

    Bigot? He's a bigot? Based on wanting to vet those coming from nations that want Sharia law? Based on wanting to secure our sovereign borders? Are ya reading the Wikileaks emails? "Needy Latinos" and referring to blacks and Muslims as "professional never do-wells". That was out just yesterday.

    Strong women don't need or let men (or anyone else) "force their hand" because, well, they're strong. So maybe you need to re-examin your idea of strong?

    Hillary is not being blamed for Bill's predatory actions. She is being held to account for HER VILE TREATMENT of his victims. Hers, not his. She threatened, intimidated and trashed them in every way. So clearly she doesn't think victims of sexual assault deserve to be believed. Nice attempt at trying to deflect. War on women, indeed.

    Trump's wife was a LEGAL immigrant. The law applies to everyone or no one. He wants what the vast majority want, secure borders and knowledge of those we let in. You know, like Mexico does on their side of the border (and rightly so).

    Not judging Melania, but being sure to bring it up anyway.... You didn't mention that Michelle had to surrender her law license. No attorney willingly lets it lapse or gives it up. Spin that one anyway you want.

    You clearly just did comment on appearance (his). Every magazine, tv show and casting director seem to be telling us all our appearance is wanting. Did you have issues with the way Palin was treated and her appearance mocked? Porn star flight attendant? You should have if you didn't. I saw no one on the left defending her against the vile attacks she and her family suffered.

    Thank you for emphasizing the hypocrisy on the left. Willfully obtuse at best, intentionally covering for this vile woman at worst.

    1. For the record, FLOTUS voluntarily surrendered her license. No proceedings have ever been brought against her. #factcheck

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Excellent. My first visit to this blog but it will not be the last.

  60. You've said it all so much better than I could.

  61. So well said. I guess Trump has gotten us out of our comfortable boxes. I thought sexism, xenophobia and racism were on the decline. Trump has proven that supposition wrong. No we can have the real conversation and start the real work.

  62. Golly, don't be so hard on Mr. Trump! He is clearly a man from the future!
    It is all easily explained at

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. whoops... my OCD on fine display as I couldn't handle how my words were all skewed.

      Thank you Catherine Tidd, you really got me to thinking with this post and so, I wrote my action plan for sliding into the homestretch of this political season with my heart and head intact.

  64. Very nice piece. Thank you.
    What is particularly bothersome about people veering towards the Trump vote, is that they seem to be incapable of championing any of his positives, but are merely pointing out the negatives of his main competition.
    I'm sorry, but the negatives regarding Mr. Trump far outweigh the negatives of Mrs. Clinton.
    Considering the positives, let's just leave that by the wayside.
    Thank you and all the best for a good election

  65. Thank you for letting me learn my new favorite description Trumpanzees. I love it.

  66. To offer a peaceful counterpoint, please give me your thoughts on these items. Please feel free to Google the items if you doubt their authenticity.

    1. A better link - sorry

  67. I thought conservatives stood for the U.S. Constitution and strongly oppose communism. I thought they were the party of family values and a strong Judeo-Christian ethic. I have to say that the rise of Trump and the willingness of so many Republicans to support him completely baffles me. It is especially concerning to me that Vladimir Putin's extensively reported (in the international press) tactic of destabilizing countries using cyber warfare is not drawing more outrage, that Trump won't repudiate Putin, and that Julian Assange is a rabid Clinton hater who clearly has a vested interest in helping Putin. It all makes my head spin.
